Same Day Delivery (AM-PM)

Tailor made same-day delivery within 100 km radius to resolve the supply chain demand, especially for the VOR shipments. With real-time tracking, get your parcels delivered within a few hours in the city.


Committed Delivery

Time-defined and assured date of delivery for each and every shipment within the TAT that ensures speedy, secure and convenient to your demands. Schedule your delivery for a particular date and time, or choose express delivery that will be completed ASAP.

Deferred Delivery

Special need of the customers like that of deferred delivery or time-slotted delivery is ensured. Inventory holding is available for short-interim period. Deferred Delivery ensures the flexibility in the delivery with long lead times and with shipments without time constraints.


We wish to simplify the way we function multiple payment options. This includes cash/card on delivery and Freight-on-delivery as a value added service to bridge the gap between consigner and consignee.

Milk Run

With effectively timed milk-run pickups, we tailor our solutions to your individual business demands and ensure optimal capacity utilisation at comparatively low prices. We reduce inefficiency in your supply chain and help boost profitability by optimizing our operations.